Biography of Annada Sankar Ray

Biography of the eminent novelist, essayist, poet and thinker Annada Sankar Ray (1904-2002), who is widely known as the last representative of the intelligentsia of the Bengal Renaissance of the nineteenth century and one of the famous thinkers of contemporary India. He topped the list of Indian Civil Service examinees and served in various positions in both administrative and judiciary services for about eighteen years from 1929 to 1947; spent nine years of his professional life in West Bengal and nine years in East Bengal. After resigning from job in 1951, Ray concentrated in writing as well as social service in Santiniketan.

Annada Sankar was a man of versatile genius. He enriched Bengali literature through his prolific essays, novels, short stories, travel narratives, rhymes, poems, plays, letters and autobiographical essays for about seventy years reflecting his life-long experience. Annada Sankar Ray is recognized as the best author of post-Rabindra era. He was honest, conscientious, a great humanist and above all, an exceptional genius. He cherished secularist attitude until his death.

Published in second edition of Banglapedia.

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